Year 3 went to Epping Ongar Railway on Wednesday 26 June. The children dressed up as evacuees from the 2nd World War and were picked up by an old Routemaster bus from school and taken to Ongar station. The children then got on a diesel train for a short train ride.
Once back at Ongar, the children were asked to line up on the platform so that they could be ‘evacuated’ by the organisers. We then had a rotation of activities such as looking in the signal box, handling artefacts (including trying on real gasmasks!) and a tour of the station. We ate our lunch on the train to North Weald station where we saw a film crew filming a movie.
Once we took the train back to Ongar we got on the red bus back to school for the end of the day. The children thoroughly enjoyed their day out and in particular, the bus and train journeys. They were very well behaved and thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience.