During British Science Week, as well as all the wonderful experiments, videos and presentations, there has also been a poster competition running. Only 5 entrants can be submitted on behalf of Coopersale Hall School, so I have been collecting entrants from Year 1 – Year 6 over the last few weeks.
The poster theme was linked to the main focus of this year’s Science Week, which was Innovation. Some pupils explored and researched famous innovators, explaining the contribution and impact their inventions or discoveries have made on our everyday life. Whereas other pupils researched an area of concern and tried to invent something or promote an idea, which would help to improve that issue.
There were so many beautiful posters, some with amazing art work and presentation, others with important messages and helpful ideas and solutions, and lots of research and time has been taken to find out about inventors and innovators.
Miss Barnard and I had a really tricky time trying to narrow it down to 5, but the results are as follows;
- Lilly – Year 1
- Evie – Year 4
- Maxwell – Year 4
- James – Year 4
- Joseph – Year 5
Those pupils will have their poster submitted into the British Science Week competition.
Thank you to all pupils who took part in this activity, I have really enjoyed receiving and reading through all your poster.
C Carter (Science teacher)