As you know, the Coopersale Hall School community has been kindly thinking of others throughout the school year. One of the ways we have shown our support for the wider local community, is to donate to Epping Forest Food Bank.
But can you picture what happens to our donations once they are collected?
Amy Perridge from the Food Bank came to school to talk to years 1-6 all about it.
She showed pictures of the store room, and the staff who weigh, stack and then distribute the donations.
The region they cover stretches to Harlow and gives support to thousands of people struggling with providing for themselves and their families.
Amy reminded us that it can happen to anyone due to job loss, ill health or family breakdown – the Food Bank is there to help, not judge, and is in constant need of supplies.
Thank you Amy for coming to see us, and thank you to all our families who show empathy to others even through their own difficulties.