1V Class Assembly

The children were happy to welcome everyone to their class assembly. They shared the story of “Penguin on Holiday,” as they had been learning about the seaside and beach as part of their topic work.

Penguin wanted to go somewhere different, not the rainforest or the city, but somewhere tropical. So, he decided to go to the beach. He packed a suitcase with all the important things: his sunglasses, towel, swimming costume, beach ball, hat, bucket and spade, and of course, his sun cream!

The animals who live at the seaside were surprised to see a penguin; they thought he was lost! They wanted Penguin to have a happy, fun-filled holiday, so they welcomed him and made sure he enjoyed himself. Penguin really did enjoy his stay, but all holidays come to an end. Aww! Crab wanted a holiday too, so she went with Penguin to his home, a place where she could make a snowman, go fishing, and watch the stars at night.

The assembly drew to a close with a prayer, giving thanks for beaches to visit, other countries to explore, and wonderful creatures to learn about. The children then sang, “Oh, I Do Like to Be Beside the Seaside.” Mrs. Vora was delighted and proud of how well the children performed and remembered their actions for this wonderful assembly.