Pupils learn in the grounds of Coopersale Hall

The grounds of Coopersale Hall School provide a wonderful outdoor classroom area that can be utilized by many different subjects.

Year 3 students have been learning about right, acute, and obtuse angles. They explored the grounds with their clipboards, searching for both man-made and natural angles. They drew and labeled what they discovered. Finally, the children listened to Mrs. Biddle as she called out different angles, and they formed the correct shapes with their bodies. The children thoroughly enjoyed investigating angles, and they were amazed by how many they found. It was a wonderful way to reinforce their understanding of math in an outdoor setting.































































During their science lesson, Year 1 students searched through the grounds of Coopersale Hall to find meadow flowers, which they displayed in the holes created on their boards. The children greatly enjoyed spending time discovering the variety of meadow flowers, learning their names, and considering the best natural environments for these flowers to thrive.