A Snap-Shot from Year 1V

It is wonderful to see the diverse ways in which the children are introduced to new topics. In Science, Mrs. Carter launched the “Who Am I?” unit, where the children learned about the five senses. They eagerly shared their knowledge with Mrs. Carter, identifying the five senses: eyes for seeing, ears for hearing, hands for touching, tongue for tasting, and nose for smelling.

The class began by exploring the sense of sight. They identified and named the various parts of the eye and discussed their functions. The children observed how the pupil changes size—dilating in low light to allow more light in and constricting in bright light. To see this in action, the children held mirrors and closed their eyes tightly. When they opened their eyes, they observed their pupils changing size in the mirrors. They also examined their eyelashes, eyebrows, and iris color.

In their math lesson, the children continued to explore number bonds to 10. They enjoyed using counters to represent the numbers that Mrs. Vora called out, which helped them visually understand the concepts. It is wonderful to see how this hands-on approach helps the children grasp the numbers more effectively.