Each key stage was excited to participate in the House Quiz. The hall was arranged according to the children’s respective houses, and they thoroughly enjoyed working as a team, sharing ideas, and collaboratively deciding on the final answer.
A wonderful sense of excitement filled the houses, and everyone had a great time.
Mrs. Jones reflected on the event and enjoyed seeing how well the children listened and engaged. We look forward to discovering the winner of the House Quiz.
KS3 headed to the studio to take part in their House Quiz! In addition to answering the questions, they were also tasked with creating plausible alternative answers.
At the end of the quiz, Mrs. Jones read out all four house answers along with the correct one, and each team had to decide which answer they believed was right. If a team chose another house’s answer, that house earned an additional point!
Everyone was thinking quickly and strategically, trying to outwit each other at every turn.
Willow was the winner overall, coming top in KS1,2 and 3 quizzes, but Beech comes in second and Oak and Chestnut won the Reception quiz.