Neurodiversity is the concept that there is a natural variation in how people’s brains work. The idea is that there is no single “correct” way for the brain to function. Instead, people perceive and respond to the world in many different ways. This includes individuals with ADHD, autism, dyslexia, dyspraxia, Tourette syndrome, and other learning differences.
Neurodiversity Celebration Week reminds us that, despite our differences and challenges, everyone has unique strengths. Many people who faced learning challenges in school have gone on to achieve great success, such as singer Robbie Williams, author David Pilkey, and climate activist Greta Thunberg. Many credit their success to their unique way of thinking.
On Friday, March 21st, children attended their Key Stage Assemblies to learn more about neurodiversity and what these learning differences mean for those who experience them. They were reminded of the importance of kindness, understanding, and encouragement, rather than teasing or making fun of others.
Never forget—you have the power to make a positive difference in someone’s life, especially if they are facing challenges. The world is more interesting because people think in different ways!
In KS2, some Year 6 students gave a more in-depth presentation on specific learning differences. Here are some key points they shared:
- Dyslexia is a unique way of processing information. While it can make reading and spelling challenging, it also encourages different ways of learning and problem-solving. Some of the greatest innovators have used their dyslexia to change the world! Although keeping up with classmates may sometimes be difficult, it pushes individuals to become the best version of themselves.
- Autism is a natural variation in brain development, not a disease or something that needs to be cured. It can make communication and social interaction challenging, but it also gives individuals unique strengths, deep interests, and valuable perspectives.
- ADHD is a brain-based condition that affects attention, impulse control, and activity levels. While it can make focusing difficult in some situations, individuals with ADHD often have the ability to be intensely focused on subjects they are passionate about.
Everyone felt that they had a better understanding of the different types of learning challenges that some people have to take into consideration. Why fit in when you were born to stand out!