The transition from primary to secondary school can be a very daunting prospect for children and can affect their sense of belonging, be disruptive to their self-esteem, confidence, and also to their friendship groups. A taster session provides the children with an opportunity to become familiar with a secondary school environment and also feel less intimidated by the prospect of being a new pupil once again.
Y5 had the opportunity of going to Brentwood School to experience their taster day. After an introduction from the Head of Staff, all the schools that had been invited were escorted to the classrooms of their selected lessons.
We were thrilled to learn that we would be having a Chemistry and French taster lessons. In Chemistry the children made a giant bubble machine and then went outside to see how successful they were. During French the children introduced themselves, their ages and discovered what pets everyone had, all in French of course.
These are a selection of responses from our Y5 expressing how they felt after their visit:
Sophie 5G – Everyone was kind. It was a very big school which I liked. It was also fun.
Georgie 5N – It was a wonderful experience and I would I would like to go there. I had an amazing day and everyone there was very kind. (Complements to the Chef!).
Abigail 5G – I loved the food. The lunch hall was spectacular. I also loved the lessons.
Blaise 5N – I really enjoyed the chemistry because it mad me feel like a mad scientist. The lab was incredible.
Skye 5G – I loved the chemistry and French teachers, they were very kind and helpful.
Evie 5N – I loved the lunch and it was lovely to have such a nice choice. The Chemistry was so much fun, even though I didn’t make a bubble. I would love to go there. In the French class I learnt a lot of new things.
Oscar 5G – I loved all the lessons and the layout of the school was amazing. The lunch was lovely.
Poppy 5N – Brentwood was amazing. Everyone was so welcoming and the teachers made the lessons fun.
The children had a wonderful time and really enjoyed their experience. Mrs Newbigging and Mrs Graves were proud at how well the children engaged with the lessons and also the good questions that they asked and answered.