On Tuesday 18th June, the Early Years and KS1 has their annual Sports Day. The children were all very excited to take part. There were various races including balancing the beanbag on your head and the pancake race. They all had lots of fun. Thank you to the Year 6 children who helped encourage them all to do their best.
Blaise, Girls’ Sports Captain
In the afternoon KS2 and KS3 took part in their Sports Day. The event was split into two halves: track and field. The field events included high jump, shotput, discus and javelin. It was fun watching our friends participate. On the track, we competed in sprint, obstacle race, skipping and hurdles. We were able to earn points for our Houses with the exciting relay at the end. We had a great afternoon and well done to everyone who took part.
The overall winner was Beech House.
Thank you to all of the staff who made the day so successful and enjoyable and to our families for coming to support us.
Gregor, Boys’ Sports Captain