Everyone looked fantastic in their book character outfits today, and we all enjoyed seeing which characters pupils and teachers had chosen to dress as.
In assembly, Felix, our library prefect from 6B, opened the assembly by announcing the results of the Ninja Challenge. The children who participated earned additional points for their house, and Felix was delighted to present them with certificates in recognition of their efforts.
The books Squash and a Squeeze and Space Band were jointly voted the best reads! Everyone answered the quiz questions perfectly, and the posters can now be viewed in the library. We all applauded those who took part, as well as Felix for his wonderful words of encouragement.
Miss Gilbert then spoke about World Book Day, reminding the school how book tokens can be redeemed. She was also excited to introduce the Readathon Challenge and explained how to complete the booklet. She then asked whether pupils had dressed as good or bad book characters—raised hands revealed that the majority had chosen good characters!
The assembly concluded with children eagerly sharing who they had dressed as and why they had chosen their particular character.
Good luck to everyone in our new Readathon Challenge!