Year 3 went on a trip to the Gunpowder Mills on Tuesday 11th March.
They had a super time with ‘Hilda’ the ARP (Air Raid Precaution) where they were immersed back into 1940. They learnt a great deal about ww2, adding to the knowledge they had from their Spring term history lessons.
The children entered into an air raid shelter and listened to sirens, bombs and collapsing buildings to truly understand what many experienced during that time. They had a go using a ‘stirrup pump’ to test their aim as though they were putting out a fire.
Additionally, the children looked through their museum at many interesting displays as well as the remains of a v2 bomb.
Well done year 3, you represented our school well and were confident when sharing the vast amount of knowledge you have about WW2, The Blitz and evacuee’s.