Coopersale Hall is fortunate to have a computer suite with the latest in multi-media computers and peripherals. We have Fibre Optic fast connection to the Internet with reliable upload and download speeds. The pupils from Reception upwards are timetabled into the ICT suite as part of the development of their computer skills. As part of ICT each classroom has an interactive whiteboard for visual enhancement.
Our Years 1 and 2 continue to build on earlier knowledge. They use drawing software, simulation software and data handling software. They use CD ROMS and the Internet to find information. They use Word and cloud-based programs to increase their word processing skills. They enhance their knowledge of control technology in the use of Roamers and Roamerworld.
Development is assessed in the form of self-assessment forms at the end of each unit. We also assess more formally using the traffic light system. Verbal feedback is given regularly and lesson evaluations inform future planning.