
Casper Achieves a Medal in Cycling

Casper was thrilled to bring home a medal this weekend. He competes for the Lee Valley Cycling Club. The competition required every cyclist to participate in a three-stage race, which included a Circuit Race, a Hill Climb, and a Technical Crit Race, where you are asked to overcome a variety…

Year 1 – A History of Toys

Year 1 has been exploring the history of toys as part of their topic work. They have discussed the toys their parents played with compared to the ones they play with now, highlighting how much has changed. They also considered the materials used to make toys in the past versus…

World Book Day

Everyone looked fantastic in their book character outfits today, and we all enjoyed seeing which characters pupils and teachers had chosen to dress as. In assembly, Felix, our library prefect from 6B, opened the assembly by announcing the results of the Ninja Challenge. The children who participated earned additional points…

Mental Health Week Challenge

As part of the Children’s Mental Health week’s activities, Mrs. Stanley challenged year groups to explore a specific emotion and express their understanding through creative formats such as pictures, poems, and written extracts. She was deeply impressed by the creativity on display and the thoughtful engagement with each assigned emotion….

School Assembly – Friday 28th February 2025

Mrs. Carter was delighted to share with the whole school the recent visit of 10 Year 5 pupils to Felsted School, where they took part in a Science Challenge Day. Olivia, Valentina, and Delilah excitedly told the school about the day’s mystery—solving the case of the stolen and eaten Headteacher’s…

The Value of Observation Artwork

Drawing helps children connect their hands and eyes through the brain, engaging multiple executive functioning skills simultaneously, such as active working memory, spatial reasoning, and flexible thinking. Observation plays a crucial role in drawing. By carefully studying objects, children learn how things should look, making it easier to create realistic…

Year 5 Create their own Volcanoes

Volcanoes and Earthquakes have been the focus of Year 5’s geography lessons. Pupils have deepened their understanding of how volcanic eruptions occur due to the movement of tectonic plates, which are pieces of the Earth’s crust. When these plates move towards each other, they can cause eruptions. Some volcanoes, such as…

Ula’s Inspiring Art

Ula, has created a stunning artwork that she will be submitting to the Royal Academy Children’s Art Competition 2025. As a member of the Eco-Council, she was delighted to reuse an old picture frame, which she painted over in white. She was particularly pleased to repurpose the frame, as she…